For the men with
great responsibility

The executive program is a fitness, nutrition and lifestyle protocol that is designed for real people with real life obligations. Men like us are relied on to provide for our loved ones, meet deadlines at work, build our own businesses, and unfortunately fitness and health often fall by the wayside. I'm here to tell you that you can achieve the body of your dreams WHILE still taking care of your business.

- If you work a 9-5 (or more)

- If you have a side hustle you're working on after work

- If you're spending most of your time building a business or investing in assets.

- If you have a family to take care of

- If you find it hard to get to the gym 4, 5, 6 days a week

- If you want a fitness program that YOU have a say in building

- If you keep trying and failing to lose fat or build muscle

This program will show you how you can become leaner, more muscular, aesthetic, healthier and powerful, while enjoying every day of the process. This is not a X week program, this is a foundation that you will be able to carry on for life.

Even with great responsibility, you can still achieve great power

Anyone can be lean and muscular

If you want to get into the best shape of your life, but you're busy building an empire or working towards important life goals. The key is to know exactly where to place your limited energy for maximum effect. You'll learn that you can gain muscle and lose fat every month while doing:

- No steady state cardio

- No extreme calorie deficits

- No meticulous tracking of calories OR workouts

- Only 1 workout per week (up to 3 maximum)

If that sounds crazy... maybe you need to change your mindset on what's possible, and the laws of consistency and the power of the minimum effective dose.

Is your life situation "holding you back"

Does it ever feel like your life is preventing you from achieving what you want? Maybe you've even told yourself that you can't achieve the body you want right now because of work, or because of your situation at home. It breaks my heart to meet so many men who believe this, it's not their fault, they just don't know that there is another way.

When you tell yourself that you can't get in amazing shape because of all your responsibilities, you are denying yourself of the beauty and power that you are capable of, you are denying your true self.

I am here to tell you that it is possible to achieve your dream physique, and that you can even achieve your work, business, family, passion or any goals at the same time.

Not only that, but the journey can be enjoyable too. In fact, the reason most people fail to achieve their goals in fitness, is because they try too hard...

Often, they put their energy in the wrong places, and burn themselves out, falling back into old habits. I want you to break free and realize that no matter how difficult and busy your life situation becomes, you can still make progress and achieve what you've always wanted.

Lose Fat

- How to use flexible fasting and easy to follow nutrition guides to shed fat and achieve a low body fat %

- How to make eating enjoyable and effortless while transforming your body. No BS.

Build Muscle

- How to build muscle and become more athletic using the flexible training approach. You will be able to train anywhere from 1-3 days a week depending on your schedule and still make progress

- How to make fitness fit into your life, without having to struggle and make sacrifices elsewhere

Achieve your goals

- You'll learn the core principles and commandments by which you can make optimal fitness and nutrition fit your unique lifestyle. The best part is you'll still be able to achieve your goals outside of fitness, because this protocol won't take up hours every day.

- Once you learn the principles inside, achieving your dream physique will be effortless.

Get Started Today

Here's a sneak peak at the Introduction to the Executive

Welcome to the Executive.

This is not a program that is simply given to you, you are going to build it.

Below in each section I will walk you through the guidelines and principles for nutrition, fitness and lifestyle, while providing you with options along the way that you will select. Piece by piece building a protocol that fits your lifestyle, and allows you to achieve the best possible version of yourself.

This program is for people with a real life. You have responsibilities, you have demands of your time from work, family etc. But that doesn't mean you can't achieve the body of your dreams. Where most programs go wrong is they give you a step by step plan that is so unrealistic and separated from reality, with highly specific workout days and times, eating the same thing every day out of plastic, meticulously tracking calories, loading and deloading, refeeding...

This program is designed to match with your preferences and fold into your life effortlessly. What you do to get and STAY in great shape needs to be second nature.

The most important thing you can do, and what this program is going to show you how to do is...

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